In a Fix : Sponsored Television

May 31st, 2005 | Tags:

One of the television shows that I still watch regularly is [TLC][]’s [In a Fix][1]. In the recent “[Desert Dreams][0]” episode, they deviated from their standard “You’re going away for three days at [expensive hotel] for rest and relaxation…” in favor of “And the details of your getaway can be found in this [Expedia][] envelope…”

It’s not that I mind product placement in television shows (it could be the wave of the future), but you have to make a it just a little less obvious. Perhaps they should just stick to one of the cast members going to the hardware store each episode so that they can get their [Discover Card][2] swiped. (And who is allowing these cast members to use J. A. Webb’s [Discover Card][2] anyway?)


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