Posts Tagged ‘finance’
There was something interesting in the president’s [speech to congress][1] last night: > I will do whatever it takes to help the **family that has saved** and still can’t get a mortgage. It’s about helping people. Because when credit is available again, that young family can finally buy a new home. I find this interesting, […]
I am almost finished reading Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan (which I [downloaded free][1] a while back). I won’t say it has been a waste of time, but there is nothing really new in the book. Here is my summary of the valuable information found in the book: 1. Reality has changed. 2. It is […]
I’ve been meaning to write about my feelings on the current real estate “crisis” for a while, but I think what I have to say is better summed up by Suze Orman in her 2009 Action Plan (which I [downloaded free][1] a while back): > I have a moral problem with bailing out homeowners and […]
I was reading in the AARP Bulletin this month a story about how bankruptcy judges should be able to cram down loans. The most interesting part of the article was an explanation from a non-profit: > Jed Davis, chief executive officer of Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services in Ontario, Calif.,a nonprofit operating in a region hit […]