Posts Tagged ‘Google’
I keep reading in the news that [Yahoo!][1] is continuing to lose ground to [Google][2]. I can understand why. Today when my wife called to find showtimes for a theater, I remembered that [Yahoo! Movies][3] always used to have good information. So I filtered on her location, by the movie she wanted to see, and […]
I’m starting to think that [Google][0] can read my mind. I told it I wanted to search for “[hoem epot][1]” and it figured out what I actually meant and made the link I actually wanted the first one one the page. How much better can you get? Of course, along this same lines, if you […]
In research for another blog entry I did some “research” on [Google][1] and did a [search for ampersand][2] (the single character). I found the top 5 results amusing: 1. [Barnes _&_][a] 2. [AT_&_T: The World’s Networking Company][b] 3. [Food _and_ Drug Administration Home Page][c] 4. [United States Patent _and_ Trademark Office Home Page][d] 5. […]