Posts Tagged ‘rant’
строителство на къщиDo not sign up for Skype while traveling, or you may find yourself in a situation that you can’t fix. See this support chat with George from Skype: > **Skype:** Hello! Welcome to Skype Live Support! My name is George. How may I help you? > **Me:** Emails sent to my address are […]
I was looking for information on how to get MS Outlook to auto purge items that have been deleted for thirty days. What I found was [this gem][0]: > The Deleted Items folder only contains 30 days worth of deleted emails. I’m losing old deleted emails that I some times need to reference. I can’t […]
I will **never** understand how some documents manage to make it out of peer review — apparently without people ever trying to actually perform the processes that are supposedly being documented. Like this gem, which came out today: > **How do I login to the portal??** > Once you reach the login screen, you need […]
I have found a number of ways of how not to update an iPhone to iOS 5, yet I still haven’t figure out the proper way. I would like to update my wife’s iPhone, but i get this happy warning message:  And deleting everything off the iPhone (especially since it is not backed up) […]
Dear Money Magazine, Thank you for the kind renewal letter you sent in the mail (and the many that you have sent before it). Unfortunately, I must have received the wrong insert letter because the envelope claimed “Respond now for a great deal on your renewal” and the insert letter offered me a subscription at […]
I got a card in the mail the other day saying that if I had 10 transactions in my checking account and if I signed up in time, I would receive $25 cash deposited to my account. To receive the offer I could either call, click or visit. Since they have some of the most […]
Dear Valued Customer, Since we bought out your bank that you liked and gave you a bank you never asked for in the first place, we have found that you are not giving us enough of your money. Effective in two months we will begin soaking your formerly free checking account with a $6 monthly […]
I was looking online for my AT&T statement (which closed on Monday) and found this bit of information: > it may take 8-10 days before invoice details are accessible for your online account. Please allow ample time for your bill to be available online. Eight to ten days? For what? Data fermentation? This isn’t a […]
I have a 200 KB MS Word document and insert a 800 KB MS Visio document into it, giving me an 8500 KB MS Word document. I’ll update this post if I ever find out what the other 7500 KB was needed for.
\* Handling fee of $8.99 – $10.99 applies. What the big print giveth, the small print taketh away…