Posts Tagged ‘news’
When I heard about the fire at the Cosmopolitan on the Canal apartments last Thursday morning, my first thought was “[it was arson][1]”. (Investigations have just announced that is the finding.) My second thought was that in this down economy, everyone is hurting, and someone wanted out of the huge luxury condo project. We’ll see […]
I saw this headline on the news channel in the cafeteria when I went to get lunch: “Child Remains Found By Utility Worker in Plastic Bag”. This breaking news story involved a chopper looking down at a police car and people talking in the street. That is all. Maybe they are trying to break the […]
On [NPR this morning][1], there was a short clip of a guy saying he didn’t like [Joe Biden][2] (possible running mate for [John McCain][3]). He said he questioned the character of a man who flip flopped from Democrat, to Independent, to Republican [1]: [2]: [3]: How about believing in the character of […]
Really? Yeah, [no fake][1]. Works better than an alarm clock, but 5:37 am is too early. [1]:
Next year, I am totally [setting Christmas lights to music][3]. And an article from the [Orlando Sentinel][1] had an awesome quote about one of the guys that is working on these. “[He] estimates he has spent about $2,000 on his display, but he is avoiding adding the costs up for fear of angering his girlfriend.” […]
Some of my friends I went to school with the were in the local paper the other day talking about their [veggie-oil powered car][1]. I had no idea they had one. [1]:
A while back, I talked about roundabouts being [the spawn of satan[1], and now there is proof it is true. [Two men were killed in a roundabout][2] a few days ago. Apparently they didn’t realize that it was a turn and trying to go straight across (with concrete barriers in the middle) would not end […]
When a storm is coming, every one seems to run to the store to get the essentials: milk, bread and eggs. One of the posters to the [Indianapolis Star][1] [Topix forums][2] put it best: > Don’t forget to buy your bread, milk, and eggs. What, is everyone going to make french toast?? [1]: [2]: […]
Add [Genarlow Wilson][1] to the list of sex offenders to be afraid of: engaging in consensual oral sex with someone two years younger than him gives him ten years in prison without parole. I feel safer already. [1]:
The election for my state senator is up for a recount which is required by law to be finished by December 20th. Only a month and a half after the election. The incumbent lost the election by seven votes with almost nine thousand cast. Statistically, when the vote is as close as it is, the […]