License [Plate] to Drive
There have been a few interesting plates out on the road lately. Like the car most likely to be owned by Homer J Simpson: `MMMBEER`. At least he would be one to put `FAM-1ST`, just like the guy married to a witch (who turned his license plate into a `NEWT-`). Other people try to impress with the skills that they have outside of driving, like the one who does `SPR-CPR`. (But since the plate was on the back of a Mini Cooper, the interpretation could be off.) Then there was the sailor `+SALTY` who traded his sea leg for one made of lead.
I saw `CRUELA` driving to work the other day. Perhaps she was on her way to deliver a `SMCKDN` to MS. ThiNG, driving a MuSTaNG (with the plate `MSTNG`). How am I to know which one she means? Perhaps “APRIL24” on a New Hampshire plate was the A/S/L of the passing lane. Or perhaps a date she just didn’t want to forget. Then there was the Jeep that would be least likely to lead an expedition: `IAMLOST`, followed by someone with a `YNKEES`tag. He must have been lost.
Then there was `LKYDWG`, who I assume goes to the dog track instead of working on AutoCad drawings. The person with the [Honk if You FSCK][1] bumper sticker definitely knew her way around computers though.