How We Came to Live in New England

September 21st, 2005 | Tags:

Monica: My being in New Hampshire is as much a surprise for me as it is to anyone who knows me. I never planned on living anywhere but Louisville (its a great city) and very early on I had considered ending our relationship because of that. After all, why waste both of our time and energy when he was going to leave town soon after graduating and I was firmly planted? But he was fun to be with so I put it off and before I knew it I was head over heels in love.
Randy: From the beginning we had discussed what priority I was giving to the relationship and my clearly stated priorities put fraternity first, school second, work third, and relationship last. Its not that I didn’t want it to happen, but I knew for sure there were other things that I needed to finish up, whether or not this relationship lasted any time at all.
Monica: Every interview he went on, I held my breath, afraid that this would be the one that would take him away from me. This fear was greatest the morning I took him to the airport to fly to Bostom. As I watched him board the plane, I suddenly knew this would be the one.
Randy: If she knew this, I wish she would have told me so I wouldn’t have had to go through the interview process. Then again, she might have told me that morning, but I had not gone to sleep the previous night and still had people in my house partying and watching movies when I left. It had been fun.
Monica: It was not great surprise a few weeks later when he received the job offer from Raytheon. We talked about it and agreed there would be no attempt at a long distance relationship. Those rarely work.
Randy: Don’t I know.
Monica: He accepted the offer and now I had to decide what to do. There was really no decision. I knew (even if he didn’t) he was the man I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with.
Randy: Now all we had to do was tell our parents. (And that is another story.)
Monica: I packed up my things and on July 19th, 2000 said goodbye to Lousiville. and set out to start my life in New Hampshire. That was over two years ago and on November 2nd, 2002 we will be married. I still get homesick for Louisvile and the friends and family that are there, but not as badly as I did at first. They say home is where the heart is. I gave my heart to Randy two and a half years ago. So no maatter where life may take me, as long as he is there, I’ll be home.

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