Using a Series 1 TiVo without Service

October 27th, 2008 | Tags: , ,

If you have a Series 1 TiVo (like my Sony SVR-2000) that was manufactured before October 2001, you can use it without paying for service. (The [“official” thread][1] on [][2] has a good deal of information, but can be difficult to find. It took me about six months. I’m just reiterating these this information here in hopes that it can be easier for people to find in the future.)

To actually use this free service, you have to make sure that your TiVo is enabled for it. There are two method to make this happen:

* Call TiVo Customer service (877-367-8486) and indicate that you need help through internal service code 14-29-02.
* Log-on to [][2] and send a PM to TivoJerry with your TSN.

Good luck.


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