Alfredo Pasta Primavera: It’s What’s Not For Dinner

February 9th, 2009 | Tags: , , ,

The [Knorr Sides Plus Veggies, Alfredo Pasta Primavera][1] has to be one of the worst sides from [Knorr][4] (formerly Lipton) that I have ever had. I think I said all I needed to in my one-star [Amazon review][2]:

> While we have liked all of the other flavors in the Knorr (formerly Lipton) sides, this one just tasted horrible. I had a few bites with dinner and threw the rest out. My wife wouldn’t even touch it after it smelled up the kitchen.

Maybe next time I can come up with some more colorful language. I can only hope there is no next time for something like this. The good news is that it is not the worst side dish I’ve ever had. That honor still goes to [Uncle Ben’s Ready-Rice][3]. Just thinking of it brings up bad memories–and it was five years ago.


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