Why Comcast is Evil

March 12th, 2009 | Tags: ,

If you ever have an doubts as to why [Comcast][1] is evil, check out the latest update to the terms of service:

_Customer equipment consists of software or services that you elect to use in connection with the Services or [Comcast][1] Equipment._

Anything that you connect to the [Comcast][1] equipment is considered customer equipment. (Fair enough.)

_You agree to allow us and our agents the rights to send software and/or “downloads” to the Customer Equipment._

Yep, we can install anything we want.

_Comcast has no responsibility for the operation or support, maintenance or repair of any Customer Equipment to which Comcast or a third party has sent software or “downloads”._

And we’re not responsible if anything breaks.

_You are enabling and authorizing [Comcast][1], it’s authorized agents and equipment manufacturers to send updates to the Customer Equipment at any time is it determined necessary to do so as part of the Services. Such code updates may change, add or **remove** features or functionality of any such equipment._

Any we may intentionally break things, so neener, neener, neener.

[1]: http://www.comcast.com/

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