Letters, Letters Everywhere

May 17th, 2010 | Tags: , , ,

When I got all of the [new policy paperwork](http://moo.plaidcow.net/2010/05/insurance_policy_endorsements) a week ago, it was because I am changing insurance carriers. The policies and endorsements are nothing compared with the company I am leaving, however. On Saturday, I got one letter, with a check for a partial refund of my home-owners premium. Today, I got *five* more letters:

* The remainder of the refund on my home-owners premium
* A notice of cancellation of auto insurance for the car
* A notice of cancellation of auto insurance for the truck
* A notice of change in price on the now cancelled auto insurance for the car (since we cancelled homeowners, we no longer get the multiple policy discount)
* A notice of change in price on the now cancelled auto insurance for the truck (since we cancelled homeowners, we no longer get the multiple policy discount)

Now with six separate mailings out of the way, I hope that we are halfway through. In addition to the two auto insurance checks, there are two other policies which were also cancelled (for which a refund is also due). And the separate letters to tell us the policy was cancelled.

Where is [Susan Powter](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p063wg78Yss) when you need her?

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