Do Not Sign Up for Skype While Traveling

January 12th, 2013 | Tags: ,

строителство на къщиDo not sign up for Skype while traveling, or you may find yourself in a situation that you can’t fix. See this support chat with George from Skype:

> **Skype:** Hello! Welcome to Skype Live Support! My name is George. How may I help you?
> **Me:** Emails sent to my address are in a foreign language that I cannot read.
> **Me:** I would like them reset to English.
> **Skype:** Well. I apologize for sending you an email in the wrong language.
> **Skype:** Our newsletter is sent per country, not per language, because it contains country specific promotions.
> **Me:** When I signed up for Skype, I was visiting Ukraine.
> **Skype:** Your country is identified by the geographic IP address that you had at the time you registered your account.
> **Me:** Please reset my country to United States.
> **Skype:** At the moment it is not possible to modify the country setting and we are working to implement this possibility.

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