Mel Gibson’s Passion

February 18th, 2004 | Tags:

I am attributing this to one of Billy Graham’s grandchildren, because I think that is what the radio report said. But I don’t remember a name, so I could be completely wrong.

During the interview, he was asked if he would take his children to see Mel Gibson’s [The Passion of the Christ][passion] (since it is [rated R][mpaa ratings]). He compared it to Schindlers List, which was also a violent R-Rated movie, but one with an important message. He wouldn’t take his 7 year old daughter to this one, but would take his older children and sit down with them afterwards and TALK ABOUT IT.

What a sad state of affairs that we live in when a parent on the radio stands up and says that they are going to act like a parent. Why is this newsworthy?

[mpaa ratings]:

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