3 Yellow Lines

March 11th, 2004 | Tags:

I am amazed by the number of people who cannot seem to figure out that in a parking lot (or car park, if you prefer) you are supposed to put your vehicle inside of all of the yellow lines. Most of the people driving today look like they failed the picture coloring class in kindergarden.

I tried to park in a space at work this morning only to realize that the person directly across from me couldn?t figure out wheer to stop and was pulled two feet into the spot I weas trying to pull into. When I go home, it gets even worse. Not only can they not park between the lines, some people like to park where there are no lines. Like, in the middle of the road. Or in front of the sign that says: ?Do not park in front of the dumpster?. If they block egress to the trash bin am I authorized to use their vehicle to hold my refuse?

The good news is that we will be moving away from the madhouse in 3 weeks.

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