Unsolved Mysteries

March 9th, 2004 | Tags:

I used to love to watch Robert Stack on Unsolved Mysteries back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. It was a great companion to John Walsh on [America’s Most Wanted][amw]. Recenty these old television shows have been running on [Lifetime][lifetime]. The [episode][episode] that was recorded on the [TiVo][tivo] today included featurettes on [Sonya Fitzpatrick][sonya] ([The Pet Psychic][pet psychic] on [Animal Planet][ap]) and Henry Rollins (who had a band and recently hosted [Full Metal Challenge][fmc]).

Does this have a point? Not really. I just find watching the old shows interesting to see how people came to where they are now.

[lifetime]: http://www.lifetimetv.com/
[episode]: http://www.unsolved.com/0116-Fitzpatrick.html
[tivo]: http://www.tivo.com/
[sonya]: http://www.sonyafitzpatrick.com/
[pet psychic]: http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/petpsychic/petpsychic.html
[amw]: http://www.amw.com/
[ap]: http://animal.discovery.com/
[fmc]: http://www.fullmetalchallenge.com/

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