Five Gems and An Asshole

April 18th, 2005 | Tags:

Recent License plates seen while driving around:
* MYBEEMA – Note the Boston accent which has the obligatory dropping of the trailing “r”
* 6TEEN – Or warning, stay far, far away from me
* SAABARU – The proper plate for a Volvo?
* HNYBNY – The car (I hoped) least likely to contain a large hair gentleman
* WHODAT – Don’t ask me, ’cause I don’t know

The other plate, NH 818851 decided (at a stop light) to pull up on the curb and whip around traffic so that he could move up a couples places in the line of traffic heading south. He was still directly in front of me when he made a late (but still viable) decision to turn right (out of the left lane) at the next major intersection. Perhaps he just dropped the “a” when thinking about getting ahead (since nothing else, besides general stupidity, seems to explain his behavior).

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