Making Sense of Life

April 28th, 2005 | Tags:

I sense you
I hear you in the rustling autumn leaves blown by the wind
I see you in the clouds above us on a warm summer day
I feel you in the heat of a camp fire nestled deep in the woods
I taste you in the satly sea air if a moonlit walk on the beach
I smell you in the fluffy towels pulled straight from the dryer

You help me make sense of it all

I will be there for you
I will hold on to you no matter where the winds of life take us
I will sacrifice all that is needed to fill our relationship with sunshine
I will love you as we continually kindle the fire between us
I will learn from you as your companion on the road to forever
I will cherish you as we spend our daily lives with each other

As we make sense out of life.

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