Object Oriented Analysis and Design
I recently started taking an Object Oriented Analysis and Design class. I had a semester and a half of OO in college (I dropped it the first time because I really didn’t understand it), but am taking it again to fill in many of the gaps that were left from the first time. Though one class it has been interesting, though I do have a couple of notes for the instructor:
* Use the same PowerPoint slides (in the same order, with the same number) that were printed and handed out as part of the class pack.
* Review the slides before presenting them in class (so you know what is coming up on the next slide and that [Lassie][] is a dog, while Timmy is a boy).
* Don’t play the blame game and pawn off errors or misunderstandings in the presentation on “the person who wrote the slides.” As far as I am concerned, if you’re presenting the material, you wrote the slides.
* End class on time, since many people schedule things around the class. (Someone who scheduled the class made an effort so that not all the classes would be four hours long, making them range in length from three to four and a half hours long.)
* But more than the OO, I think many people are also interested in how to get buy-in from management on how this process works. It takes more upfront time to design and many corporate managers can see that if you’re not coding then you’re not working.
So perhaps next week will be better. One can always hope.
[Lassie]: http://www.lassie.net/