Forgotten Charges
Regarding the [Consumerist][0] post on [Ever Used A Gift Card At Surprise, You May Owe Them Money][1]:
> I’m surprised that it has taken them two years to find out there is a problem, but if you agreed to the charge, I don’t think that there will be much of a chance to contest it. Since I actually put all of my charges into Quicken when they occur, I can note when charges I made don’t actually get charged to my account (there have been a few). It’s not a “surprise”–you knew you owed them money and just never got charged for it.
> Would everyone still be pro-consumer if the shoe was on the other foot and after two years a personal audit indicated they should have a credit on an account? Or would the sentiment be that the consumer should have kept better records and “too bad for you”. If two years is too long, what is an appropriate length of time?