Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan
I am almost finished reading Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan (which I [downloaded free][1] a while back). I won’t say it has been a waste of time, but there is nothing really new in the book. Here is my summary of the valuable information found in the book:
1. Reality has changed.
2. It is all of our faults.
3. You cannot borrow from tomorrow to live today.
4. You cannot spend tomorrow’s money today.
5. You must have cash saved for a rainy day.
6. You must spend less than you take in.
7. Your house is worth less than it was. Deal with it.
8. You cannot spend tomorrow’s money (for college) today.
9. You must have life and health insurance.
10. These choices are not easy.
If you still want to read it, and can’t find a copy of it, let me know and I can forward it on.