Mis-Direction: A New Argument Style

May 19th, 2010 | Tags: ,

I am amazed (or maybe saddened) by the lack of grasp of English by the majority of people on the web who claim English as a first language. This is especially true in reading comprehension tests. (Every time you respond to a post or a comment on a blog, it is effectively a reading comprehension test.) Here are a couple from a recent post on the [state of Flash on mobile devices](http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2010/may/18/apple-adobe-flash-player-solution).

**Statement:** they [Adobe] could just develop a working Flash player for any mobile

**Response:** Flash works well on Windows. That’s the OS that runs on 90% or
more of all desktops.

**My Take:** Some people may consider a Windows desktop a mobile device. I don’t.

And here is another from the same comment:

**Statement:** Windows Mobile 7 and Android don’t have Flash either and Adobe themselves have
failed to make it work well on any mobile device, let alone the iPhone

**Response:** Windows Mobile 7 _will_ support Flash, just not at initial release. Android
_will_ support 10.1 under Froyo. Symbian^3 _will_ support 10.1 too as _will_ Blackberry OS 6.0.

**My Take:** Congratulations. You have listed four phones which do not currently have Flash. (Perhaps they _will_, but they don’t.)

I would like to think things will get better, but then I start listening to politicians. They are better at this than most.

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