Federal Institute of Stupidology
There is no Federal Institute of Stupidology (as mentioned in the [Here’s Your Sign][sign] music video by [Bill Engvall][] and [Travis Tritt][]) that I could find any information about. In fact, searching on [that on Google](http://www.google.com/search?q=Federal+Institute+of+Stupidology) brings up three links that aren’t related. By golly, in a few days, this site should be number one.
[Bill Engvall]: http://www.billengvall.com/
[Travis Tritt]: http://www.travistritt.com/
[sign]: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000002N85/
Because there is a need for [Winslow, AZ](http://ci.winslow.az.us/) to build such an edifice. Hopefully in the coming days I will be posting more reasons why.