Posts Tagged ‘On the Web’
For the most part, [Merlin Mann hits it right on the head][1] with his list of what makes a good blog. Put I think he left out one of the most important points: Good blogs allow for comments. All of us are smarter than any of us. I find that much of the value I […]
Apparantley, [WebSense][1] considers [Q-Tips][2] to be an abused drug. I’m still not sure why. [1]: [2]:–Beauty-Care/Q-tips-Cotton-Swabs-Vanity-Pack-Refill-285-ea-739086.html&sa=X&oi=product_result&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&cad=AG3v–KLCRv4tYJLYn3vLvLl1hBHlu_xGAAAAAAAAAAA&usg=AFQjCNFxrxTi0WxmuoZu-bjDCgLzUTmRhQ
Yikes. Its [Plaid Cow Pants][1]. [1]:
If you need to call AT&T Wireless Customer Service (i.e., who you would get calling 611 from your wireless phone), you can also reach them by calling 800-331-0500. This works from any other wireless phone or landline. This is [available on their website][1], but I couldn’t find it without resorting to [Google][2]. [1]: [2]: […]
From the upcoming movie Doggie Daycare comes this photo montage of [How to Hug a Baby]( May you learn a valuable lesson from it. (And if you do, post a comment to let me know what it is.)
A while back, I talked about roundabouts being [the spawn of satan[1], and now there is proof it is true. [Two men were killed in a roundabout][2] a few days ago. Apparently they didn’t realize that it was a turn and trying to go straight across (with concrete barriers in the middle) would not end […]
From my email box today, I found out that I have “been specially selected to receive [Service Plus][1]—an exciting new breakthrough in speed and convenience, exclusively for [Countrywide][0] customers.” By “specially selected” they mean that I am one of the only customers so far that has not succumbed to their huge marketing push for this […]
If you register the Farmers Insurance website, be sure to pay attention to the following guidelines when selecting your **username**: * Must be between 6 and 16 characters long * It may be any arrangement of letters and numbers but it must include at least one letter and one number Why in the world would […]
Yesterday the Indy Star posted a question on their website: What are you doing to save on gas? I think poster Wally summed it up best: I go real slow in the left-hand lane. not only do I save gas, but all the other commuters behind me do also.
The best ASCII art i’ve seen in years, as [posted]( on [slashdot]( ——–joke————> O /|\