Boyden’s: The Most Awesome Donuts in Indianapolis
As shown in [this review][1], Boyden’s Bakery has the most awesome donuts in Indianapolis. Besides their standard yeast donuts, they have a selection of other types available as well:
* Blueberry
* Sour Cream
* Devils Food
* Plain Cake
* Glazed Cake
* Custard Filled
* Jelly Filled
* Cream FIlled Long Johns
* Cinnamon Twists
* French Crullers
* Caramel Cinnamon Fry
* Peanut Cinnamon Fry
They may have even more types—but this is what they had when I was there. And I got tired of not knowing what kinds they had, so I made a list. This list. And now you know.
Boyden’s Bakery is located at 3953 S. Meridian and can be reached by phone (317-784-2992) during business hours: Monday-Friday, 4 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, 4 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, 4 a.m.-4 p.m.