Author Archive
> _”How did you get so successful?_ > “Good Judgement.” > _”How did you get good judgement?_ > “Experience.” > _”How did you get experience?_ > “Bad Judgement.” Taken from [Done!]( by [Don Aslett](
Dear Valued Customer, Since we bought out your bank that you liked and gave you a bank you never asked for in the first place, we have found that you are not giving us enough of your money. Effective in two months we will begin soaking your formerly free checking account with a $6 monthly […]
With this nice helpful dialog, where’s the “I’ll Fix It For You” button?  Or at least a `Help` button to tell me how to enable the template for this document.
Between using [Handbrake]( on Windows and on OSX, I have found the UI differences to be maddening. (For the most part, I like the OSX GUI better, except when it comes to extracting more than four audio tracks and when it comes to importing chapter titles.) To (sort of) automate the process of importing chapter […]
I was looking online for my AT&T statement (which closed on Monday) and found this bit of information: > it may take 8-10 days before invoice details are accessible for your online account. Please allow ample time for your bill to be available online. Eight to ten days? For what? Data fermentation? This isn’t a […]
With the Formula 1 race this weekend, much was made of the return of the [107%]( rule both before and after [Mark Webber’s Flying Lap]( It was insinuated that if the rule had been in place this year, then this accident may not have happened. Perhaps people need to look a bit closer at the […]
I have a 200 KB MS Word document and insert a 800 KB MS Visio document into it, giving me an 8500 KB MS Word document. I’ll update this post if I ever find out what the other 7500 KB was needed for.
\* Handling fee of $8.99 – $10.99 applies. What the big print giveth, the small print taketh away…
This site has a nice [Dilbert Strip Search](–sure to come in handy in the future.
void main( void ) { int godot = 1; while ( 4 != godot ) { wait (1); } }