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Here is a three question quiz to see if you’ve got what it takes to be my former insurance agent. **Trick Question 1 – A Word Problem** Randy has five insurance policies. Randy informs his insurance agent that he will not be renewing his policies when they expire. How many policies should the insurance agent […]

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 at 16:32 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

If you’re having trouble stemming the flow of junk mail into your life, [Catalog Choice]( may be able to help. I’ve been putting information on unwanted catalogs on the site for several years and can say that we definitely get far fewer than we used to. Check them out and you might find that you […]

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 at 23:49 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Like any good drug, stopping Microsoft Excel may not be so easy. ![vendor_lockin.png](

Thursday, May 20th, 2010 at 21:48 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

According the the email I just got, “You can be ugly and stupid as long as your shaft is big.” How did I get on the mailing list for stupid, ugly people with under-sized shafts?

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at 23:37 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Yesterday I tried to use the Mafia Wars secret access code that had been given out a few weeks ago. Even though I copied off the screen shot, I was told the code was invalid. So I took a shot and sent an email to Zynga customer service. How good can customer support be for […]

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at 23:17 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

I am amazed (or maybe saddened) by the lack of grasp of English by the majority of people on the web who claim English as a first language. This is especially true in reading comprehension tests. (Every time you respond to a post or a comment on a blog, it is effectively a reading comprehension […]

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at 22:51 | 0 comments
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With all the [hubbub]( about the lack of Flash on the [iPhone](, I have to question why [Microsoft]( hasn’t been complaining that there isn’t a [Silverlight]( plug-in either. Flash and Silverlight target the same market, don’t they? If Adobe is right, shouldn’t we be hearing the same kind of rhetoric from Microsoft?

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 at 07:20 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

When I got all of the [new policy paperwork]( a week ago, it was because I am changing insurance carriers. The policies and endorsements are nothing compared with the company I am leaving, however. On Saturday, I got one letter, with a check for a partial refund of my home-owners premium. Today, I got *five* […]

Monday, May 17th, 2010 at 23:18 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

According to [Jing](, Simple is Beautiful. How about making your “free” software even simpler by **NOT** requiring me to sign up for an account to use it. Or, at least tell me, before I take the time to do it, that setting up an account _on an **unrelated** service_ is required. Don’t waste your time. […]

Sunday, May 16th, 2010 at 22:03 | 0 comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Most people think that they are a good driver and that every one else on the road is an idiot. According, to [this quiz]( I’m right. ![excellent_driver.png](

Friday, May 14th, 2010 at 23:28 | 0 comments
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