Author Archive
Pushing spam comments to a separate queue is not enough to keep spam comments from shutting your weblog down. This site had the plug pulled for an hour or so earlier today because there were 158,388 spam comments in the 30 day rolling queue. There were more real comments here (down to four) before I […]
строителство на къщиDo not sign up for Skype while traveling, or you may find yourself in a situation that you can’t fix. See this support chat with George from Skype: > **Skype:** Hello! Welcome to Skype Live Support! My name is George. How may I help you? > **Me:** Emails sent to my address are […]
I was looking for information on how to get MS Outlook to auto purge items that have been deleted for thirty days. What I found was [this gem][0]: > The Deleted Items folder only contains 30 days worth of deleted emails. I’m losing old deleted emails that I some times need to reference. I can’t […]
I will **never** understand how some documents manage to make it out of peer review — apparently without people ever trying to actually perform the processes that are supposedly being documented. Like this gem, which came out today: > **How do I login to the portal??** > Once you reach the login screen, you need […]
Here are all of the episodes in the [Animal Stories][1] series, Seasons 1-4: [1]: s01e01 Big Pink Pig s01e02 Trevor the Frog s01e03 Helen the Penguin s01e04 Smelly Dog s01e05 Big Bold Lion s01e06 Hugh the Worm s01e07 Edwina the Aardvark s01e08 Simpson the Slug s01e09 Win-stanley the Sloth s01e10 Polar Bear s01e11 Billy […]
All of the episodes (starting with Season 31) are available to watch on the [This Old House website]( Unfortunately, I would much rather be able to watch them on my television. The following steps show how to download them from the website for playback anywhere. Note: I consider this fair use of the videos and, […]
A toast to fatherhood and the crap people will convince you to buy Fancy clothes instead of just a one piece sleeper Newborn clothes which be worn once before being outgrown Pee-Pee Teepee which will fall off as your kid pees all over you A baby wipe warmer which will never be in the location […]
I am still trying to figure out this recommendation from Amazon: [](
I have found a number of ways of how not to update an iPhone to iOS 5, yet I still haven’t figure out the proper way. I would like to update my wife’s iPhone, but i get this happy warning message:  And deleting everything off the iPhone (especially since it is not backed up) […]
Vicki Poteet of [VIP Real Estate]( is the best realtor in Indianapolis. * Instead of putting an unwanted sign in our yard (we’re on a corner and many relators would like to use our yard), she took the time to ask if she could put it there. We always say yes–but most people don’t have […]