Posts Tagged ‘television’
[Ha ha, the Steelers lost][1]. The Steelers had won something like 16 consecutive regular-season games. Looks like the Black & Gold won’t be breaking the 20 game streak by the Patriots’, which was stopped last year by the Steelers. [1]:
One of the television shows that I still watch regularly is [TLC][]’s [In a Fix][1]. In the recent “[Desert Dreams][0]” episode, they deviated from their standard “You’re going away for three days at [expensive hotel] for rest and relaxation…” in favor of “And the details of your getaway can be found in this [Expedia][] envelope…” […]
Randy Jackson to [Carrie Underwood][]: “Man you can [a] blow dude!” [Carrie Underwood]:
The more that I write in the log, the more I realize that the only way that entries get written is if I actually sit down and write them. There are many entries that have been started and just not finished. Most of that is due to the grand plans that I lay out and […]
With the season winding down, [my picks][] for American Idle this year are not actually doing that bad. (I picked who i thought the top four were, and two of those make up the final four on the show. The bottom two for this week would definitely have to be [Carrie][] and [Vonzell][], though I […]
A few weeks ago I first heard [Bob Ricci][1]’s “Ode to Playboy”, and I really liked the song. It sounded familiar, so I looked to find more information about it and found it was a parody of “Last Kiss”. So I downloaded a copy by Pearl Jam, which I later found out was a cover […]
Musings on this weeks [American Idol][], a collection of songs from old Broadway musicials. * The vocal performance of [Scott Savol][] on _The Impossible Dream_ (The Man of LaMancha) is probably the only thing I’ll call thin about him. * Imagine [Nikko Smith][] singing _Ole Man River_ (Showboat). Or, perhaps he would be better suited […]
[Scott Savol][] looks like he he been using too much Ronco Spray-on Beard. If nothing else, [Nadia Turner][]’s mohawk should have kept her out of the bottom three. A hot pink bra under a wife beater is just not sexy. Especially not for a [17 year old][Mikalah Gordon] who “can’t cook, can’t clean and can’t […]
With my picks for [American Idle][A] this year, I am actually getting them out before everyone that I like gets voted off. [A]: Artists that I wouldn’t mind seeing win: * [Anthony Federov][1] – A euro-pop sensation * [Carrie Underwood][2] – Country Superstar * [Anwar Robinson][] – Like Milli, but with talent * [Nadia […]
VH1 is celebrating black history month tonight…with an Eminem marathon. Thanks for watching.